The Sacred Wellspring
Healing sessions for London, Lisbon & beyond.
I see clients in person here:
UK - Bristol
when I visit the UK.
Portugal - São Pedro do Sul (spa town near Porto)
my beautiful wellness centre awaits you!
And offer distant and online sessions globally.
Alchemise your past, discover your true essence, and Shine!
If you have been feeling stuck; struggling with personal issues; you’ve had enough of things not changing and you’re praying for an experienced, compassionate and skilful facilitator who can hold a strong and safe space for you to share sensitive details about your life, bring healing to deep issues and support your empowerment to move forwards…
Then you have come to the right place!
It’s time to drop the layers of stuck energy, unhealthy patterns & baggage from the past, reclaim your true authentic essence & live life to the full!
The potent power of these shamanic energy healing sessions can support you to reclaim your optimum wellbeing, liberate your creativity and confidence to maximise your potential quality of life.
From one-off ‘Breakthrough’ sessions to personal bespoke retreats online or residential at my wellness centre in the ‘Montanhas Mágicas’, above the spa town of São Pedro do Sul (near Porto).
Imagine you:

Clear old limiting patterns, cynicism, bitterness or defeat

Unravel layers of ancestral, karmic and current life patterns, wounds, addictions & traumas held in your energy field, to be free from toxic loops and behaviour that you’re ready to release.

Clearing your chakras to let go of energies of abuse, sabotage, depression, grief, anger, insecurity, jealousy, anxiety, fear and shame to allow more light, peace, love, joy, clarity, trust and creativity in.

Re-ignite your curiosity, sweetness, and passion for life.

Reconnect with your true nature, desires and expression as you create your reality with renewed focus and direction.

Grounded and aligned, having a stronger sense of belonging, intimacy, self-worth, open-heartedness, joy, truth, creative expression, heightened intuition and connection to the entire universe.
This ripples out into your relationships, family, career, creativity and contribution.
What happens in healing sessions?

Healing consultation
The journey begins with a confidential discussion about your relevant medical and life history and current issues & symptoms to form a clear and powerful intention.

Oracle Reading
If desired, we may consult the oracle for insight into your current situation, with a map of divine guidance and direction.

Deep Healing session
I work with a combination of shamanic, energy healing, sound healing, colour light therapy and angelic reiki techniques where appropriate. I carry out a diagnostic shamanic journey; then waves of cleansing, release, restructuring, activation, infusion and empowerment are woven into your healing session.

Integration support
Afterwards I share feedback with you about the session, including information to support your integration (such as details of any soul or power retrieval) and moving forwards. We can also book a check in chat in a few days time.
I offer four kinds of sessions that grow in value, time and investment.
They are all available in person, online or remotely (apart from the ‘Healing Holiday’, which is in person).

Healing session – targeting one issue (2-4 hours).

Rite of Passage
Deep healing session – 1 day personal healing retreat.

A series of deep healing sessions (for the most profound transformative journey).

Healing Holiday
A bespoke residential retreat at my wellness centre, above the spa town of São Pedro do Sul, in the ‘Montanhas Mágicas, Portugal (near Porto).
Why Work With Me?
I have three decades of experience in holding healing sessions for thousands of people.
I am recognised by my industry peers as a ‘master healer and teacher’ through the strength of my experience, expertise and integrity.
I bring an alchemy of mystic, seer, shaman and priestess; combined with a grounded, warm-hearted and joyful nature. I work with impeccable professionalism and dedication to authenticity and service to my clients and students.
The depth of my personal journey of healing reflects the extent to which I can hold space for you through your healing sessions – supporting you as your springboard to your full potential!
Read my best-selling book: ‘Becoming a Healer for Yourself & Others’
“The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.”
– Elizabeth Kubler Ross
Our Healing Services
Angelic Reiki
Angelic Reiki is a very gentle yet deep healing technique, which can be done ‘hands on’ or as ‘distant’ healing. Angelic Reiki practitioners believe that they channel healing energy from the Angelic kingdom to their clients, with the intention of facilitating the most perfect healing for them at that time.
Angelic Reiki draws from the Usui and Shambala Reiki lineages and combines these with the Angelic vibration channeled by Kevin Core in 2002 from Archangel Metatron. Kevin said is not a new age system, but one that comes from ancient wisdom and healing techniques of Atlantis and Lemuria.
In the Angelic Reiki system, an angel is not a good-looking guy with a six pack and wings! They are beings of light, archetypes of divine design in creation, a contactable consciousness, a powerful, formless energy with no polarity, hence they bring us into a state of harmony.
I was attuned to traditional Usui Reiki in 1994, and became a Usui reiki teacher (‘Master’) in the Indian Himalayas in 1999. In 2004, I attuned to Angelic Reiki, and become a teacher with the co-founders Kevin and Christine Core in 2008.
An Angelic Reiki healing session (1 hour):
- You may like to share with me, in confidence, something specific that you wish to receive healing for
- You relax – either sitting or lying down
- I will position my hands gently touching or slightly above your body, whichever you prefer
- I follow a procedure which opens the channel for healing energy from angels, ascended masters and galactic healers.
- You may experience tingling and warmth in your body. You may also become dreamy and receive information about your healing in the form of visuals, colours, memories or a sense of knowing. You may feel moved by the presence of angelic energy, or you may simply fall asleep!
- At the end of the session, any information received can be discussed.
Distant Healing Reiki session (1 hour)
- You can arrange a time when you can be relaxed, either sitting or lying down.
- I carry out the healing just as though you were with me.
- Afterwards, the experience can be discussed by phone, skype or email
Disclaimer: If you have, or suspect you have a medical problem, see your doctor or professional health care provider. Healing is not a substitute for medical treatment. The information contained on this website is not to be used in place of standard medical, nutritional or general health care or advice by a licensed health professional. Sue Holmes and Fire Horse make no claims to diagnose or cure illnesses.
Colour Light Therapy
Colour Light therapy (or ‘Colourpuncture’) works in a similar way to acupuncture, where colour light is directed to points on the body using a pen torch and coloured glass rods instead of needles. Colour light therapists believe that cells communicate through the frequency of light, and each colour has a particular healing effect on the body, mind, emotions and spirit.
This particular method of Colour Light Therapy originated with the teachings of the naturopath Peter Mandel in Germany. I qualified with the School of Awakening as a professional Colour Light therapist. This method of healing does need to be done in person.
Colour Light treatments
I have a large collection of possible Colour light treatments. When you describe your symptoms, I may recommend a colour light treatment that I feel could be beneficial for you.
I also offer Colour Light Series of sessions:
Prenatal Series (9 sessions) This is designed to support healing for our conception, time spent in the womb and our birth This treatment may be done on children and adults.
Male-Female Balance (9 sessions) This series is designed to support people who experience repeating negative relationship patterns, by cleaning layers of negative imprints from parents and ancestors.
Function Circles (9-12 sessions) This series helps to clear unresolved emotions that are stored in the body.
Holographic Healing (7 sessions of two hours) This series of sessions is designed to help resolve inner conflict and support possibilities for choosing a new way of being in this life.
Freedom from Bondage (Un-hooking) (3 sessions) This series helps you to release or ‘un-hook’ from negative issues, or the negative effects of a person’s influence on you. You choose a person’s name or one word that sums up the issue/pattern that you wish to be relieved of.
Sexual Healing Series (Genital relays) (12 sessions) This series is designed to help to transform emotional issues connected with sexuality. The Colour Light is applied to points on the hands and feet which are reflex areas that mirror the genital relay points. There is no sexual contact, or direct treatment of the genital regions whatsoever.
Creation Impulse (3 sessions) These sessions are designed to stimulate the impulse for creation rather than decline, so supporting well-being.
“We know today that man is essentially a being of light. And the modern science of photobiology…is presently proving this. In terms of healing…the implications are immense. We now know, for example, that…light can initiate, or arrest, cascade-like reactions in the cells, and the genetic cellular damage can be virtually repaired, within hours, by faint beams of light. We are still on the threshold of fully understanding the complex relationship between light and life, but we can now say, emphatically that the function of our entire metabolism is dependent on light.” Dr Fritz Albert Popp, Biophysicist
Disclaimer: If you have, or suspect you have a medical problem, see your doctor or professional health care provider. Healing is not a substitute for medical treatment. The information contained on this website is not to be used in place of standard medical, nutritional or general health care or advice by a licensed health professional. Sue Holmes and Fire Horse make no claims to diagnose or cure illnesses.
Energy Healing
Energy healing is a hands on holistic approach to health, that seeks to assist the body/mind/spirit in restoring its true nature. The practitioner finds blocks in the energy field and works with their client in releasing them – holding space while the healing happens naturally.
Energy Healing techniques include:
- Infusion: channelling earth energy for grounding and heaven energy for divine light
- Extraction: cleaning the energy field – eg of energetic intrusions from others or unexpressed emotions from past traumas
- Sound Healing: by tuning into the energy block and using sounds to resonate with and assist in release, and using harmonious tones for the energy field to entrain with. Sound healing is often facilitated using the voice, drum, rattle, Solfeggio chimes or Paiste Symphonic gong.
- Auric Surgery: on the template level of the energy field, which is the blueprint for our physical body. The etheric body acts out what is in the template, and this then manifests in the body. Auric surgery cleans & strengthens the template, and brings it back into alignment. Rather like feng shui for the aura!
- Intention Alignment: strengthens and aligns the client with their true life purpose, to remember who they really are, and aligns the physical body – skeleton and posture.
- Relationship cords: cleaning the energetic cords between the client and the people and things that they have had relationships with.
- Regression: journeying back to the roots of an illness or pattern, for healing and empowerment.
- Entity/Spirit Release: compassionate release of parasitic ‘suffering beings’ on the astral plane, freeing both client and entity from each other, and the stuck patterns that they perpetuate.
Energy Healing lineage
With gratitude to Barbara Brennan, a pioneer and innovator in the field of energy consciousness which she has been researching for more than 30 years, who created these healing techniques. She holds a Doctorate of Philosophy, a Doctorate of Theology, a Master’s Degree in Atmospheric Physics, B.S. in Physics, and worked as a research scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. Barbara is the author of ‘Hands of Light’, ‘Light Emerging’ and ‘The Seeds of the Spirit’.
Disclaimer: If you have, or suspect you have a medical problem, see your doctor or professional health care provider. Healing is not a substitute for medical treatment. The information contained on this website is not to be used in place of standard medical, nutritional or general health care or advice by a licensed health professional. Sue Holmes and Fire Horse make no claims to diagnose or cure illnesses.
Shamanic Healing
Shamanism is the oldest form of healing on the planet, dating back to Palaeolithic times. The word ‘Shaman’ comes from the Tungus language of Siberia, and is used generically today to describe an individual known in the community as someone who can act as a bridge between ordinary reality and spiritual realms. A shamanic practitioner moves into an altered state of consciousness to interact with the spirit world in order to practice healing, divination, ask for guidance or assist the souls of the dead to move into the spirit realm. Shamanic healing relates to the spiritual aspect of health.
I have participated in healing ceremonies and spiritual rituals with Tibetan Lamas, Himalayan, Amazonian, Andean and Mexican shamans and ceremonialists, Taoists temples in China, Hindu temples in India, the Himba tribe in Namibia, Kalash tribe in Pakistan, Bushmen of the Kalahari, Baka Bwiti initiation in Gabon, and the Moon Dance in Costa Rica. I am also deeply grateful to the teachers at The Sacred Trust, where I trained in the following shamanic healing techniques:
Soul retrieval
At times in our lives when we have experienced shocks or trauma, or simply living out of alignment with our soul’s truth, we may lose a part of our soul or essence. Shamanic practitioners believe that this can leave space for depression, addictions, chronic illnesses and energetic intrusions. During a Soul Retrieval, I journey to find and retrieve the soul essence and return it safely to the body of my client. Typically, afterwards people may feel more balanced, empowered and present. It is their responsibility to integrate, honour and express the part of themselves that has returned, into their daily lives.
Power animal retrieval
I will carry out a shamanic journey to restore a power animal to my client to help them in their lives. The power animal is a spirit guide – that can include ancestors – which takes that particular animal form to bring a specific ‘medicine’ or ‘power’ to the recipient.
Removal of misplaced energy, negative thought forms or ‘intrusions’ from a client’s energy field, and filling the space with light and the client’s power. This may also include compassionate de-possession.
Curses are a part of every culture but in some it is more overt. In my experience, they may be simple and unintentional, for example we can curse ourselves with negative beliefs about ourselves, or they may be complex and intentional, and these kinds of curses are often fuelled by revenge, jealousy, wars, feuds or vendettas. They may have been made many years ago and still their influence continues down the ancestral line. In my opinion, the energy of curses is very toxic which is why they have to be unravelled with care.
Compassionate de-possession (Spirit release) treatment:
The release can be done using an interview technique, where I will dialogue gently with the spirit, and then guide it to where it needs to be. I will then give you suggestions for after care. The session will probably take around three hours, including taking case history and restorative shamanic healing and energy healing afterwards.
Disclaimer: If you have, or suspect you have a medical problem, see your doctor or professional health care provider. Healing is not a substitute for medical treatment. The information contained on this website is not to be used in place of standard medical, nutritional or general health care or advice by a licensed health professional. Sue Holmes and Fire Horse makes no claims to diagnose or cure illnesses.
Tibetan Rituals
Chod is an ancient Tibetan tantric healing practice. ‘Chod’ means ‘cutting through’, and it can cut through our fears, perceived limitations, internal attachments, external obstacles, illusions of reality, as well as facilitating healing, de-possession and space clearing. I am a ‘Chodma’ – an initiated practitioner of Chod (pronounced ‘Chur’). The session takes around an hour. A simple altar with offerings is created, and then you sit with eyes closed whilst I carry out the ritual. There is no physical contact during the process. You will hear some mantras being recited, and other sounds such as a bell, drum and horn. Chod may be able to reach those places that other techniques haven’t. Typically, at the end of the session, a profound sense of transformation and peace is experienced by both practitioner and client.
Lud-dzong is a healing rite from the Yungdrung Bon tradition, enriched with authentic method and wisdom. A ‘ransom’ is offered in the form of effigies and offerings representing the possessing spirits of a person or building, and the ‘five poisons’ they carry: ignorance, anger, jealousy, attachment and pride. This is accompanied by prayers and mantras, and underpinned with indiscriminate love and compassion. This session takes around one hour.
With gratitude to my teachers: Betsy Bergstrom (initiated by Lama Tsering Wangdu Rinpoche), and Lama Khemsar Rinpoche (Yungdrung Bon).
Compassionate De-possession
Possession is not desirable, but it could be considered ‘normal’ since it is more common than we might like to think. Typically it entails a spirit that didn’t manage to successfully cross over to the spirit world, inhabiting another person’s body, and trying to live off their life force. The spirit is not often malevolent, they may even care for their host, but usually the spirit doesn’t remember that they have left their body and doesn’t realise that they are inhabiting someone else’s. The possessing spirit is living on second hand energy (which is muffled and unsatisfactory for them), and the living host often becomes depleted and confused as they are affected by the thoughts, desires, fears, vices and even physical injuries of the ‘suffering being’.
Symptoms of Possession:
- Hearing voices (negative self-talk)
- Sudden onset of anxiousness/foggy vision/hearing problems/headaches/depression
- Sudden onset of physical problems with no apparent cause
- Sudden increase in intake of alcohol or drugs
- Sudden change in sexual orientation, desires or thoughts
- Loss of energy
- Poor concentration
- Character shifts/mood swings
- Dark thoughts
- Emotional/physical reaction to reading this
- Experiences that feel like they are from a past life
- Something doesn’t feel right yet have tried lots of therapies
- Excessive bad luck
- A feeling that a spirit appears in their energy field, then disappears and reappears from time to time
Compassionate de-possession (Spirit release) treatment:
You would need to have an initial conversation with me over the phone to discuss your symptoms. Then you can make an appointment to explore whether or not you may have a ‘suffering being’ presenting itself to be released. The release can be done using an interview technique, where I will dialogue gently with the spirit, and then guide it to where it needs to be. I will then give you suggestions for after care. The session will probably take around three hours, including taking case history and restorative shamanic healing and energy healing afterwards.
Disclaimer: If you have, or suspect you have a medical problem, see your doctor or professional health care provider. Healing is not a substitute for medical treatment. The information contained on this website is not to be used in place of standard medical, nutritional or general health care or advice by a licensed health professional. Sue Holmes and Fire Horse make no claims to diagnose or cure illnesses.
Ask the Oracle
Oracle Reading sessions offer insight, guidance and direction.
Using an oracle card reading that can reveal where to focus your attention, how to tackle obstacles, see your true gifts & talents and what tools can help you navigate forwards to a bright future.
I am always thrilled by how precise and useful oracle readings are.
I work with several different decks of cards that weave a beautiful story of where you are and how you can move forwards. I share my intuitive advice and clairvoyance to help create a map of inspiration to guide you.
Sometimes the cards may reveal truths that we already know within, but needed to see as confirmation, and sometimes they can reveal wisdom about our blindspots. They can be particularly useful if anyone is feeling stuck, unclear, anxious or confused about their best direction in life.
Some people like to combine an oracle reading with a healing session. I include them in my space clearing ceremonies.
‘It is exactly 6 years since I met this amazing woman. At the time. I was searching for help and healing around certain issues which have plagued me my whole life, issues relating to addiction, toxic relationships and codependency.. and lots more besides.
I have worked with Sue both on a personal level (the inner) and also on my home, (the outer reflection of yourself) and my life has really blossomed in recent years and Sue has played an enormous role in my healing journey.
Sue is an incredible force for transformation, who has done the journey herself and walks her talk. I know I wouldn’t be where I am now if I hadn’t met Sue.’

Samantha Seager
Actress, London
‘I connected with my early teenage self and retrieved a lost part of myself, from when I had been shamed and beaten, which had negatively affected my relationships for years.
It felt like a miracle to make peace & welcome back my innocence and the powerful being I am. I now feel as though i can manifest the situations and relationships that i want and know are healthy for me.
Sue is an expert in her field as a shamanic practitioner. She fuses professionalism with deep, warm-hearted, loving care and pure intention. I whole heartedly recommend Sue for personal transformation and healing. Thank You Sue! So Much Love!’

Anthony Coyne
Events Manager, Brighton
Book a free chat with Sue Holmes
To discuss which kind of healing session will suit you best