Here's a couple of recent reports of my Space Clearing Ceremonies. Space Clearing is a technique of removing negative energy from a building (eg from past occupants, arguments, stress, sadness, addictions, illness and grief etc) and filling it with fresh beneficial energy and positive intentions. Over the years I have refined and improved every aspect of my ceremony, and I beleive it provides a very thorough and effective service:
1. Amor Laxshmi, Prana Magic Life Coaching, Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham: “Sue is not only a consumate professional at Space Clearing, but she brings with her the knowledge of an absolute adept when it comes to applying ritual in pragmatic and life-affirming ways and has a tremendous intuition, which makes the whole experience nothing short of magical. Everyone should experience the gift she is offering!”
2.4. J Eliot, Birmingham: “My son and I live in a lovely old house, but ever since we moved in numerous things had gone wrong. We felt ‘stuck’ and I often had a sense of someone watching me. I’m so glad that I contacted Sue who came and did an amazing clearing and blessing. All the negative energy in the house has gone, it feels tranquil. I no longer feel that I’m being watched , and life is flowing more harmoniously. Thank you Sue!”