The Home Healer
Transform your home and quality of life, using feng shui and/or space clearing.
Whether you want to make a new home your own, enhance your quality of life or sell a property, my feng shui and space clearing consultations are aimed at supporting you to manifest this.
We can either work with feng shui or space clearing or a combination of these modalities (for maximum effect), either in person or online.
What is Feng Shui?
‘Feng Shui is the practise of analysing and influencing the interaction between people, buildings and the environment in order to enhance quality of life. Originating in Ancient China, it’s basis is qi, which is vital energy present in everything.’
Definition by: The Feng Shui Society
What is Space Clearing?
Everything that happens in a building – thoughts, actions and emotions – such as traumas, arguments, bad luck, stress, shocks, unhealthy patterns, addictions and ill-health may leave stagnant energy or ‘bad vibes’ perpetuating the tendency for negative experiences there. To clear the space effectively, it’s necessary to be able to accurately read the imprints and conduct a powerful ceremony of healing and transformation.
These are the kind of issues I am experienced at addressing in peoples homes:
Are you unsure or confused as to how to design, arrange, decorate or extend your home?
Do you want support to sell a house quickly and for the best price?
Do you want to make a new home ‘your own’ and make the best new start there?
Do you wish to shift a particular area of your life – eg enhance wealth, relationships or career?
You want to clear the energies of the past or previous occupants and heal any trauma that may be held in the land or building?
You wish you could break out of limiting patterns or a run of bad luck and you’re tired of things not changing?
Spooky or uncomfortable experiences. Something just ‘doesn’t feel right’ in your home?
Are you feeling stuck, uninspired or lacking in focus, creativity and vitality?
You simply want to bring out the best potential of your home.
Whether you live in a mansion or a studio apartment, my feng shui and space clearing consultations may support you to transform your home and your life.
Alignment with Feng Shui – bringing out the best potential of your home to support your optimum quality of life
Proponents of Feng Shui believe these are potential benefits:

Arrange your home with feng shui principles, so that there is harmony between you, your home and the surrounding environment.

Bring out the best potential of that home to support your wellbeing, needs and aspirations

Attract and stimulate greater harmony, intimacy and connection in relationships.

Unlock the wealth and success potential of your home, renewing your sense of good fortune and passion for life.

Reduce any negative influences and bring out the favourable aspects of your home.

Work with feng shui ‘cures’ to transform any issues and empower your intentions.

Design your garden with feng shui as an auspicious extension of your home.
Clear old stagnant and toxic energies from the past and attune your home to love, joy, well-being, success and abundance.
Proponents of Space Clearing & Geomancy believe that these are potential benefits:

A powerful ceremony that creates a fresh new start in your home.

Heal & clear away the old energetic imprints from your home, so that you are not influenced by negative energies from the past or previous occupiers.

A deeper connection with your home and stronger alignment with your intentions.

Harmony and right relationship with the land beneath and nature around your home.

Bring in profound clarity, high vibrations and the natural magic of synchronicity and grace.

Catch the wave of new creative life force that we have welcomed into your space to support you to move forwards and embrace the flow of new opportunities into your life.
Furthermore, a combination of feng shui and space clearing can support you to live in the most beautiful and harmonious version of your home that feels completely amazing and shines with clarity and high vibrations that are programmed to support your wishes.
Our Residential Services
In our initial chat we will discuss which modalities are most appropriate for you, your situation and budget and create a bespoke package.
The work may be carried out online or in person, as you prefer.
What's included in a feng shui consultation?
1. Consultation
We discuss your situation in full – your needs, concerns, aspirations and priorities. You will give me a virtual tour of your home, so that I get a clear picture of where you live.
2. Feng Shui Report
Developed over a few days (depending on the size of your home & scope of the project), this comprehensive report is tailored to your specific requirements and space and includes:
- External Form – influence of surrounding environment, landscape, roads and buildings, in terms of support, movement, beneficial and harmful influences and how qi (energy potential) reaches your door.
- Internal Form – Position of rooms, furniture and internal energy flow and containment, optimum locations for beds and seating areas. Placement of the feng shui bagua (template of compass directions) onto your floor plans.
- Flying Stars – an ingenious method of unlocking the wealth & success and health & relationships potential of a building.
- Bazhai/Ming Gua – favourable locations and directions for each member of your household.
- The five elements, yin & yang, symbolic influences & intuitive observations.
- 9 Star qi and Chinese animal astrology insights.
- Healthy home considerations such as EMFs, where possible.
- Answers to your specific questions (eg decorating plans & colour schemes).
- Details of my observations and analysis, with a simplified summary of the key points.
- A clear list of practical recommendations for you to implement.
- Full report in a pdf and optional hard copy posted to you as your personal feng shui manual
3. Debrief consultation
To clarify anything in the report.
What happens in a space clearing ceremony?
Ask the Oracle Reading (optional)
8 card oracle reading for divine insight and map of guidance for your life – fine-tuning your intentions and direction.
Land Healing
Tracking any trauma held in the land beneath your home (‘geopathic stress’) that may have been caused by local construction of houses, roads & railways, quarries, tree-felling, sites of historical violence or underground water and rock cavities – and facilitating land healing to restore harmony & right relationship with that place.
Space Clearing Ceremony
This is how the magical process unfolds:
- We have a chat to discuss what energy you would like to clear away from your home and what you would like to invite into your life.
- I spend some time carefully tuning into the energy of your entire home using dowsing, shamanic journeying and ‘energy sensing’ to detect the precise energies that need to be cleared.
- I support you to write an intention that truly expresses your heart’s desires and soul’s longings and flower and nature spirit offerings.
- I set up an altar dedicated to you & your home and open up a sacred ceremonial space for deep shamanic energy work.
- I carefully and methodically clear the energy of the past from your home in a beautiful healing ceremony using a potent combination of shamanic tools, sacred sounds, prayers, intentions and more…
- I then infuse your home with beautiful high vibrational crystal sounds, blessings and mantras to inviting clarity and grace and supporting your specific intentions.
- We complete with a fire, river or burial ritual to release your intentions and a guided sealing meditation before closing the ceremony with gratitude.
Why work with me?
- An International Speaker & Facilitator on feng shui, space clearing, shamanic energy healing and geomancy
- A World-Renowned Teacher and Mentor for practitioners rising into their gifts as consultants of feng shui, space clearing & geomancy and shamanic energy healers.
- A Mature, Highly-Respected Consultant – I have studied and applied DIY feng shui for 30 years, been a certified healer for over 25 years and a full time professional feng shui, space clearing & geomancy consultant since 2005. I am considered by my peers to be a ‘master healer & teacher’ through the strength of my experience, expertise and integrity.
- Featured on TV shows & the Press – My work has featured on channel 4’s Steph’s Packed Lunch; channel 5’s ‘Aemonn & Ruth’s Sleep show’; More 4’s: ‘Location Location, Location’; and ITV’s ‘Dancing on Ice’ with Gemma Collins. My work has been appeared in The Guardian, Daily Mail, Daily Mirror, Spirit & Destiny magazine and numerous other publications & radio since 2007.
- Certified in both authentic classical feng shui with a Chinese master (Howard Choy) and intuitive western methods (with Denise Linn & The Feng Shui Academy).
- A Ceremonialist and Shamanic Practitioner. I hold ceremonies for healing, space clearing, baby-naming, funerals and marriages. I have participated in hundreds of healing circles, shamanic ceremonies and spiritual rituals with Tibetan lamas, Himalayan, Amazonian, Andean & Mexican ceremonialists, Kalahari Bushmen, Himba tribe in Namibia, Kalash tribe in Pakistan, Taoists temples in China, Hindu temples in India, the Moon Dance in Costa Rica and a Baka ‘Bwiti’ initiation in Gabon.
- A Dedicated Student continually learning and upgrading my skills with extensive and ongoing training.
- A Mystic – My life is a devoted to service, personal growth and spiritual awakening.
- A facilitator for thousands of people from all around the world, from high-flying executives to stay-at-home parents; sole traders to corporate companies like ‘Google’; singles and families; alternative and conventional; LGBTQ and heterosexual; spiritual and agnostic – it is important to me to serve a diverse range of global clients of all backgrounds, colours and walks of life.
In short, I bring a wealth of experience and skills, offering practical solutions and powerful transformation in a holistic, whole-hearted, phenomenal service.
“The Space Clearing Ceremony and Feng Shui have, without a doubt, improved life at my house. The advice was simple, easy and Sue is a fantastic partner to work with. I was involved in the whole process and really enjoyed it. I now propose the idea to many people, for business or personal reasons. I am nauseatingly happy, and very very very grateful! Sue you are an absolute treasure! If prospective clients have any doubts they may call me for a chat (via Sue).”

Military Officer, Saltash, Cornwall
“After struggling to move house and losing a buyer, I turned to shaman Sue Holmes to space clear my house to revitalise its energy and attract a new buyer. Within a week I had a buyer who matched my asking price and a week later I’d had my offer accepted on the perfect new home in the perfect location. I’d highly recommend this magic lady to anyone in need of a spiritual spring clean.”

Kate Delamere
Commissioning Editor, Spirit and Destiny magazine, London
Book a free chat with Sue Holmes
To discuss which kind of Home Healing will suit you best