Exciting news for Chinese New Year!
In this collaboration training, you will benefit from 60 years combined experience and legacy – with myself, Sue Holmes and Davina Mackail.

Join us for a professional 2-week certification course in Facilitating Ceremony, Space Clearing, Feng Shui & Geomancy,
led by industry leaders Sue Holmes & Davina Mackail
—bringing together 60 years of mastery in transforming spaces. What a powerful collaboration this will be!

In this holistic approach to creating harmonious environments, you will learn how to facilitate:
- Space Clearing – cleansing energetic imprints and history from a building to create a fresh new start, sell a house, bless a new home.
- Feng Shui Consultations to enhance wellbeing, harmonious relationships & abundance
- Geomancy – to harmonise land energies and geopathic stress
Ceremony as a Space Holder or ‘Mistress/Master of Ceremony’ – creating and holding sacred space and facilitating powerful transformation for clients
Karishma Sue Holmes – Facilitator of transformation for thousands of people and places since 1995. Teacher of certified courses in feng shui, space clearing & geomancy plus shamanic, energy & sound healing. Ceremonialist and medicine woman; seer, shapeshifter, mystic, witch and fool – grounded with authenticity, humour and pragmatism. Sue’s feng shui & space clearing work has featured on TV: ‘Steph’s Packed lunch’, ‘Dancing on Ice’, ‘Aemonn & Ruth’s Sleep show’ and ‘Location, Location, Location’. Founder of ‘Fire Horse’; ‘Academy of Modern Shamanism’; ‘Professional Harmony’ and ‘Kundalini Rose Garden’ temple community; best-selling author of ‘Becoming a Healer for Yourself & Others’; Karishma Sue is a seeker of truth and catalyst for awakening.
Davina Mackail, Wisdom Walker, in dialogue with Nature. Hay House author of Feng Shui Made Easy and The Dream Whisperer, Shamanic Elder, Mentor, Gene Keys Guide and Teacher. Feng Shui Maestra, Davina inspires miracles of positive transformation in people’s lives from the application of feng shui and shamanic principles. A popular workshop leader and speaker she offers her infamous Wisdom that Works shamanic consultations to thousands of clients all over the world and online and in-person Elemental retreats and workshops with partner, Nizami Cummins. Recently returned to the UK after living deep in the Peruvian Amazon caretaking 47 hectares of rainforest.