Life Event Celebrations
Co-create a Life Event Ceremony with me, in the UK, Portugal and beyond…
If you are planning to celebrate a family occasion – such as a wedding, baby-naming ceremony or funeral – and want it to be spiritual but not strictly religious, personal and more alternative or unconventional, then get in touch and let’s discuss how we can co-create the perfect life event ceremony for you and your loved ones.
I love to create ceremonies that are heart-centred, joyful, authentic and touching to all who are attending. Each life event ceremony I have facilitated so far has achieved this, with great feedback on how there was the right combination of ingredients that brought everyone together – friends and relatives from different walks of life – unified by the shared intention and love for those they have gathered to celebrate.
We can structure the event in whatever way is most appropriate and preferable to your taste. My natural inclination is to open up sacred space, creating a blessing ritual for the baby, happy couple or dearly departed – with the elements air, fire, water and earth (& ether), and find ways for the audience to participate and share their love and blessings.
If the conventional, establishment, religious forms of ceremonies in traditional venues like churches aren’t your cup of tea, then maybe a DIY, organic, alternative, personal life event ceremony might be ‘up your street’. Whether you are looking to find something simple or lavish, small or large, spiritual or agnostic, LGBTQ or heterosexual…I can tailor the ceremony to suit you and your gathering.
Perhaps you want musicians, a dance floor, activities for kids, decorations, catering and accommodation…or maybe it’s a simple affair – even just the two of us, like when I supported someone with a simple ceremony to release her husband’s ashes to the sea. I’m not a wedding planner or event organiser, but I am the space holder, the one who conducts the ceremony. It’s always an honour to be invited to facilitate a life event ceremony and I will work with you to make it special, memorable and beautiful.
If you would like to discuss a forthcoming ceremony with me, book a chat asap!
Our Life Event Celebrations
Baby Naming
This is an opportunity to create a special welcome party for a new baby, rather like a non-religious Christening. Gather close friends and family, and I can hold a simple naming ceremony, using prayers, ritual and the elements, to celebrate and bless your baby.
Marriage Ceremony
I can work with you to co-create a beautiful, personal and sacred marriage ceremony. As well as discussing your ideas and feelings about the ceremony, I will carry out shamanic journeys to be shown how to make the ceremony perfectly fitting for you.
The ceremony may contain, for example, a symbolic ritual with each of the elements – air, water, wood, fire, earth and metal. This may be accompanied by your favourite live or recorded music and the ceremony can include heartfelt prayers, songs and vows. I will create a sacred space for the ceremony, using earth healing, sound healing and by creating an altar.
How can feng shui and space clearing be included in your wedding plans?
- Clear the energy of the past (including any past relationships) from your home with a space clearing ceremony
- Ensure the energy of the wedding location and reception space is harmonious and sacred
- Ensure the energy of your home is harmonious and supportive of your intentions and goals together
- Include a feng shui consultation & space clearing ceremony for your home on your present list
Funeral Ceremony
If you would like to have a sacred, spiritual yet non-religious funeral service or bereavement ceremony for a loved one, then I can help you to create this.
Online – During Corona Lockdown: If you experience a bereavement during this time, I am available to facilitate a sacred ceremony and hold space for you – either individually to support your process or for family and friends altogether in an online funeral.
Losing a loved one during lockdown, would mean being unable to gather physically to celebrate and honour their life, grieve their loss and pay respects. So I would hold space for this to happen, in whichever way is most fitting for you and them. I can also support their transition from the physical to the spirit realm.
When we can gather in person – I will meet to discuss with you your wishes, and different options for how to create the most fitting ceremony.
At a funeral service in Exeter, I lead the service and was told by many people that it was the ‘best funeral they had ever been to’! One man said it was a ‘real education for his kids, since they were learning that death needn’t be just sad, since we were all celebrating someone’s life, and helping to send them to a reunion with their loved ones in spirit’.
Putting the ‘fun’ back into ‘funerals’!
We can discuss any ideas that you may like to incorporate – like decorating the coffin, writing messages on ribbons for the coffin, or tying them to balloons that are released after the service. The service could roughly take the following format, depending on your wishes:
- music as the coffin enters the crematorium
- welcome speech
- tributes by close friends or relatives
- poetry, readings or songs
- short period of silence or music as a time for reflection
- funeral rite to guide the loved ones spirit to the light
- celebration
- music/song to close
“Myself and my husband have been extremely blessed to have acquired Sue as our celebrant. The ceremony was surely the most magical of magical weddings imaginable. With Sue’s experience, precision, care and love for the work, our commemoration couldn’t have been more special. We are both delighted and walking on cloud nine. All of our guests were so impressed, and said themselves that that was what a true marriage ceremony should be like! Thank you Sue for marrying us in style and sharing our perfect day with us.”

Tristan & Fleur
Yoga teacher & sound healer, Bristol
“We came away feeling uplifted and positive from saying goodbye to Roger – not many funerals you can say that about, you did him proud. Much love and respect to you.”

Biff Mitchell
Events Organiser, Exeter
Book a free chat with Sue Holmes
To see if we are a good fit to co-create your life event ceremony.