
I am now offering two new series of Colour Light Therapy treatments.

Firstly 'Freedom from Bondage' or 'Un-hooking', which only takes three sessions and is an opportunity to un-hook yourself from a negative issue or a person that has a negative effect on you. You choose one word that best describes the effect of this issue in your life, as a pattern or person that gets you down. This could be something like burdens, struggle, failure, guilt, shame, loneliness, regret or whatever ails you. People have reported surprising life-changing effects after receiving this series.

The second new series that I am offering is the 'Sex and Spirit Integration/Sexual healing Series'. This is part of the transmitter relay series of treatments, balancing the polarities of light and dark, sex and spirit, animal and divine which is present in each human being. It helps to bring the unconscious to the conscious and darkness into light. It transforms blockages in sexual energy, and transforms sexual issues. The Colour Light is applied to points on the hands and feet that reflect the genital relay points which centre around the perineum.

See the Colour Light Therapy page for more information