

Chakra Alchemy Online Personal Transformation Course

Chakra Alchemy Online Personal Transformation Course

Does This Sound Like You?  You're interested in learning more about the chakras and how to cleanse and harmonise them for your wellbeing. You're reading/listening to Karishma Sue Holmes' book 'Becoming a Healer for Yourself & Others' and would love some support...

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Sue’s book: ‘Becoming a Healer’ now on Audible

Sue’s book: ‘Becoming a Healer’ now on Audible

Yes! My book is now available on Audible as an audiobook (as well as ebook and paperback via Barnes & Noble and Amazon). 'Becoming a Healer For Yourself & Others - Transforming Wounds to Gifts, Nightmares to Dreams & Curses to Blessings' Are you ready for...

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I was delighted to join architect Aisha Rose Melodie Hassan for our talk about how to uncover magical tools to build a sanctuary for healing and transformation, and how these tools bring harmony to people's homes, offices, gardens, and communities! We discussed feng...

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Book a free chat with Sue Holmes

If you have any further questions or to see if you and the training are a good fit.