Thank you to the One Day is Today team: Abram and Matthew for inviting me to share on their ‘One Day virtual stage’, and fellow guest speaker Wil Wynne for his sharing (to watch the video, click below text).
Last night I shared the lyrics from my song ‘The Honey in the Sting’ (from my album Heaven on Earth) and talked a bit about my journey of experiencing multiple wounds and eventually, after finding safe places to be vulnerable and to open to healing, finding that as I gradually healed myself, I became a healer for others. I continued going deeper into my healing journey, simultaneously gathering more compassion and wisdom in holding space for others to heal. Eventually my creativity was unleashed (More songs and my debut novel are coming soon…) together with a great sense of passion, purpose and service.
From having experienced trauma, loss, pain, limiting beliefs and patterns and making great progress in transforming them – this was the best ‘training’ to hold space for others to heal. An important aspect of the journey has been facing the shadow and dropping the ‘victim lens’.
By clearing and releasing heavy energies, we make space for more light and the empowerment of reclaiming our true essence – soul retrieval. Shamanic healing and energy healing have been the main techniques that have supported my healing process – together with the love of trusted friends and healers. This is why I share these methods in my 1 to 1 sessions and courses and know the value of community-building with The Modern Shaman Academy. Another vital part of the healing process has been to have fun, laugh, sing and dance – to celebrate each step of the way, and fill up with joy!
I would be delighted and honoured to hold a safe and experienced space for your healing process in a 1 to 1 healing session or training to become a healer:
Here is the link to the video, sharing and chat afterwards.