
We drove from Oporto to ‘Solar Quinta do Pouchao’, a beautiful venue one hour from Lisbon  – where we had sole occupancy of this 18th century manor house, set in 300 acres for four days, to complete the training. I like to teach in big old places like this, with plenty to space clear, so that participants have the opportunity to witness and facilitate profound work. Then when they space clear an ordinary-sized home, it can feel quite simple in comparison. I also prefer to teach in a residential setting rather than a day attendance course, as we drop much deeper as a group, as well as with the teachings and practical experience with the methods. We shared lots of laughter and connection as a group, as well as facilitating beautiful space clearing and land healing ceremonies at this amazing place. Thank you to our hosts.

Before the course, I was invited to visit participants in Oporto and Apiera, and Lisbon afterwards – see my other blog posts

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