

Business Testimonials

“Thank you Sue for the amazing Feng Shui Masterclass you delivered to our teams at Google. learning how to optimise the set up of our home office space is so important at this time and the team all drew huge benefits from the insights and suggestions you shared. I made a number of modifications to my own set up after the training and am already noticing some productivity gains. Thank you so much from bringing this to Google and into the world at this time”


Aluba Fenix, Sales Leadership Enablement, Google

‘‘I was initially skeptical, but the results speak for themselves. As our first consultation of this kind, we were pleasantly surprised at the professionalism and dedication that Sue demonstrated at our consultation. The report itself was informative and thorough with attention to detail. The recommendations that we have carried out have had a resounding positive effect on our lives, with immense improvements in all areas. Following the consultation, the positive energy flows gave me more confidence, and our consultancy company is thriving and successful.This has been an amazing experience with outstanding results.”

JBE Consultancy

Bernie & Heidi Le Bon, Directors, JBE Consultancy, Business & Management Consultants, Northampton, UK

“We are very satisfied with Sue Holmes’ advice for our restaurant in Glastonbury and her beautiful space clearing in our restaurant in Copenhagen. Highly recommended.”

Excalibur Restaurant

Peter Jensen CEO, Excalibur Restaurant, Glastonbury, UK

“When I booked Sue Holmes (for Personal Support) I trusted her completely but I wasn’t really sure about the process and what to expect. Here’s what I’ll say: OMG. What a shift. I feel like my old pattern of over-giving and putting up with harmful relationships and clients has evaporated. Not only have I said no to a number of projects but I’ve said yes to myself and my next level. Sue is a powerful shaman for powerful women. She’s professional and kind.”

Ingrid Arna Ltd - Business Consultancy

Ingrid Arna, CEO, Business Consultancy, Brisbane, Australia

“The most amazing aspect of the whole consultation was the speed at which my wishes for our company came to pass – within 48 hours we had achieved a major goal and several smaller things fell into place, forming our best week of business at this site. Now we are a totally different company, busy and much less reliant upon any one client. Also, the general office atmosphere appears to be more relaxed. You can only judge as you find, and I would say that a series of events has taken place since Sue’s visit that leaves our company a better place to be. I would gladly recommend Sue Holmes’s services to other companies or individuals.”

Ponsonbys – Bespoke warehousing & technology distribution

Paul Ponsonby (MD), Ponsonbys, Bromford, Birmingham.

“Sue conducted a comprehensive Feng Shui assessment before the fitting out of our new Wellness Centre in Neath, South Wales. The Wellness Centre is an annexe to the UK award winning Medicine Centre, but we were aware that it needed to have a much different feel and wanted a haven of peace that clients could come and enjoy and have some ‘me-time’. Sue recommended everything from external and internal paint colours, to fabric choices, carpet designs and even where to hang our pictures. We’ve had some great feedback from our clients and business visitors and for me the greatest thing is that our most vulnerable counselling clients have said they love it and feel safe- can’t get much better than that, thank-you Sue!”

The Wellness Centre, Neath, South Wales

Ali Sparkes, M.D. & Wellness Pharmacist

Residential Testimonials

“My house had been on the market for a number of months with only 1 viewing. It seemed very strange so I began to wonder if it was because of me being born in it and possibly the ‘ghosts’ of the past clinging. I contacted Sue and without a doubt she provided a day over and above my wildest expectations. The house itself felt a calmer place immediately with her presence and once she commenced the house clearing process a certain feeling of serenity became apparent. Her magnificent aura made me feel relaxed and throughout the day I knew I could have total faith in what she was doing. Sue was so caring and attentive. One of my wishes was for the ‘perfect’ people to take over the house and love it as much as I do. The next day I invited in a couple walking by and they made a full asking price offer within an hour of being shown around! I could not recommend Sue highly enough, she continues to be hugely supportive. A loving and very personal 5 star service provided. THANK YOU Sue for making my dreams come true!”

Mrs O

(formerly Ms DLG, Devon)

“Sue is a very thorough and dedicated practitioner. She is sensitive and powerful at the same time and doesn’t leave any stone unturned! It is also good to be part of the clearing/cleansing process and to be led by someone who really understands and knows her business. From the experience I had, I believe it is really important to do the vigorous Space Clearing first and then follow through on the Feng Shui – the two go hand in hand. Sue is both honest and respectful and she’s certainly going to be coming back to my home to keep the energy clear. Fantastic Work! Thank you so much.”

Joanna Proctor

Creative Educator, Clapham, London

“We contacted Sue eight weeks after moving into our house as things didn’t feel right. My husband couldn’t settle in, neither of us were sleeping well, things kept going wrong and we felt as if money was literally flowing out of the back door, we were arguing a lot and I had prolonged headaches. I work from home as a complementary therapist and one or two of my clients said they felt uncomfortable in my treatment room as well. None of this made sense since the house was wonderful and met all of our needs but the ‘space’ just didn’t feel good. We came to the conclusion that after eight weeks we couldn’t continue to put all of these things down to the stress of a major house move. After the space clearing and feng shui, things have improved enormously, and my husband and I are getting on wonderfully again like we used to before the move, my clients and friends love coming to the house now, we feel much more settled and feel that the previous occupants have now left the building. We are now able to enjoy the house and its beauty and the wonderful position it has. I would really recommend this is you want a happy home and life.”

Elizabeth Jones,

Complimentary Therapist, Bristol

“The Space Clearing of my home was a wonderful experience on many levels. Sue works with integrity, respect and great care not only for your home but also all those who live there. She takes time to understand what you want from the Space Clearing and gently guides you through all aspects of the day. I felt I was in excellent and experienced hands. I had no preconceived ideas of how the house would feel or be after the space clearing so it was with great interest and delight when myself and others noticed/felt changes. My puppy slept in longer and stopped barking in the morning. Others asked if I had decorated as the rooms felt fresher or cleaner and even bigger. The house has a unity that was not there before and a sense of being more alive so that the energy of the home & family function at a higher vibration which can only be good for us all. Suffice to say the changes are many and all positive and Sue is a wonderful practitioner who I would highly recommend if you ever want to make your house the truly wonderful home it can be.”


Healing Bodywork Practitioner and Life Coach, North Devon

“The Feng Shui report was easy to understand and made us keen to correct our problem areas, you would be very pleased with me Sue, no more clutter in my kitchen!! Outside we have also altered and changed pots and moved seats. This house now feels like my home and I feel more settled here. Sue is a beautiful lady who seems at peace with herself, very experienced and professional. By far the best feng shui consultant I have worked with.  I would definitely recommend her.”

Sylvia Rowlands,

Client, Devon

“Sue’s recommendations and space clearing for our home and business were SUPERB!”


The School of Homeopathy, Stroud, UK

Training Testimonials

“In 2019 I had the pleasure to join the Space Clearing & Geomancy training in Portugal. Sue shared her knowledge and experience accumulated in the last 20 years around the world, with so much passion, presence and integrity that it deeply touched us students.

The many different and interesting aspects of the training were presented clearly, giving us the chance to learn and practice under her attentive guidance.

I enjoyed learning about the subtle energies, rituals, ceremonies involved in space clearing and the practical advice on how to promote and run a business. I felt encouraged and supported the whole time.

I have the greatest respect for such a competent and loving teacher.”

Haritama Pitzalis

Massage practitioner - London & Swansea

“Sue’s training was completely life changing across all levels: physical, emotional and spiritual.

Not only did I begin to learn the ancient arts of energy healing and shamanic practice, it was a profound journey of self healing and re-membering. Through navigating my own wounds I was encouraged to step out of stories and patterns of abuse and victimhood and step into my own power.

The course and teachings enabled me to develop discernment, trust and confidence in my own abilities and self love. I also gained a very impressive tool kit, a deep and powerful relationship with my guides and a whole new shamanic family and community. It was one of the toughest things I’ve ever accomplished and also the most rewarding.

Sue holds an impeccable space of 100% pure light.   I’d consider her training to be a benchmark for anyone else wishing to hold sacred ceremonial healing space for others.”

Anita Brulee

Artist, Healer, Chocolatier, Glastonbury

“Training with Sue was a truly life changing experience for me. The teachings were beautifully delivered with clarity and integrity. If anyone has the chance to work with Sue, I recommend jumping at the opportunity. I cannot recommend her highly enough!”

Holland Risley

Web design, Bristol

Sue’s teaching provided a good dose of technique, theory, personal experience & practice work allowing for a very well run & integrated course. Sue is a wonderful teacher with a great passion for her work which shows through her teaching and support. She delivers her work with great humility & with lot’s of humour coupled with a wonderful team around her which made the experience very easy going & fun. I look forward to a lot more learning experiences with Sue.”


Spiritual group facilitator & healer, London

“Sue’s course was absolutely amazing. She has great integrity and holds a strong and powerful space of healing and learning.  Sue has so many tools in her shamanic toolbox and she weaves all of her magic together with a light and humorous touch. Laughter and fun being one of her greatest gifts that she shares on the course. I received so much during the training, so many healing and teachings. I feel really empowered and excited about what lies ahead.”

Jinty Smith

Shamanic practitioner, Scotland

“What a great course! Sue’s training is methodical and from the heart. I connected and grew my relationships with my spirit guides and found real practical implications for all the shamanic methods and practices. With guidance, I worked on some, previously unknown to me, blockages and feel lighter, stronger and more myself than I have done before. I would highly recommend this work to anyone interested in this field. Thank you so much Sue.”

James Mallorie

Programme manager, Dorset

Healing Testimonials

“Sue’s nature and energy was astounding to me, I felt she was able to understand me like no one had ever been able to, she allowed me to go through my process of letting go and out the other side with a rare clarity and steadfast strength. I felt I was held in a deep loving kindness that allowed me to relax and go as deep as I needed to without fear. She felt to me as solidly rooted as a mountain and as peaceful & caring like a true mother and allowed me to grow like a wise one. Thank you Sue for being the powerful kind and loving woman you are who helped me so deeply when I really needed to be freed from grief and mental bondage. I will always recognise your skill as a healer, teacher and medicine woman and thank the stars for our continued connection. Anyone who meets Sue will be blessed by her essence of guidance and healing.”

David Nassim

Qi Gong Healer, Portugal

“There are no words to describe what I experienced in the session with Sue. I received so many deep teachings. The most incredible moment was when Sue returned part of my soul to me. I felt calm, peaceful and strong and that has remained. Sue held and guided the session with grace, ease and humility and I felt safe and held by her. Each of my sessions with Sue has gone deeper. I feel refreshed, rejuvenated and brand new after each one. They have helped me to restore balance in my life, my fear and anxieties have lifted. I feel grounded, strong and powerful. I have spent a lot of money on different healings and therapy work over the years, but Sue’s has been by far the most profound and life changing. Her experience and gifts are unique. She weaves so many elements together seamlessly with grace and presence. The clarity and creativity that have flowed into my life since know no bounds. I am now truly dancing with life.”

Sarah North

Solicitor, Cardiff

“In the restaurant business you get star ratings and at the top you get Michelin Star Chiefs. If I was a Healing Critic I would vote Sue as a top award as high as a Michelin Chief. Sue is the genuine thing. I would highly recommend her.”

Antony Taylor

Wellbeing Coach, The Ozone Spa, Devon, Author of ‘Your Greatest Wealth’

“It was deep joy to meet Sue and a true blessing to receive her powerful healings. Sue helped me connect to a part of myself that I had been searching for since childhood, she also helped me to empower myself with strong boundaries and clear energies that did not serve me. Since the healings, I feel, see and think differently, in a nutshell, it is a huge relief and my life is taking a quantum leap because of it. A confident, gentle, sure and kind approach helped me feel safe and I thoroughly recommend working with Sue Holmes, a skilled and powerful woman.”

Z Funge-Smith

Artist/Designer from Berkshire

“I had the immense Blessing of a shamanic healing session with Sue. I entered into this sacred space not knowing what to expect but my guides had led me there and I nervously trusted the call to receive her healing. What a gift this was to be. Sue took me into a deep state of being with love, compassion, huge wisdom and complete competent knowledge of her craft. I felt held, safe and was able to trust deeply in the medicine she channels and creates. If you have the opportunity to take a journey with this wise sister….bless yourself. I’m glad I did.”

Sue Martin

Retired Fire-fighter, London

“I have known Sue Holmes since 2008. I have received energy healing from her throughout the years. I am impressed with her professional approach, objective attitude, wide knowledge and sound advice, combined with warmth and understanding of her client’s vulnerability. She is discreet and observes confidentiality. The results of her healing skills have been excellent. I would recommend her at any time.”

Dr Agnies Calkoen

Doctor, Plymouth

Events Testimonials

“We wanted our wedding ceremony to be sacred, and this wish was fulfilled. Together with Sue, we designed a ceremony that was personal to us and included the five elements. On the day, Sue prepared the space and held the ceremony with focus, spiritual awareness and sincerity. Everyone loved it, and even the most thick-skinned of our guests commented that they found our wedding ceremony beautiful, touching and just the right length. Thank you Sue, we recommend you to everyone who would like to create an alternative, non-religious but sacred ceremony.”

Yogi and Haritama

Specialist Events & Functions Chef & Holistic Therapist, Swansea

“Our wedding was perfect! Everyone absolutely loved it, our friends, relatives and us. It was beautiful. Thank you Sue!”

Rob and Anna

Musicians & Energy Healers, Wells, UK

“Sue is a lucky find for anyone that comes across her. I have been the lucky one to have had the experience of Sue’s heart-centered approach to both Space Clearing and a Naming Ceremony. On both occasions, Sue’s sensitive and caring approach made the experience extra special and her nurturing and healing gifts shone through truly magical experiences.”

Claire Snook

Homeopath, Wiltshire

“The service was quite simply inspirational. We celebrated the life and character of our departed friend and were joyous and tearful as we said our own personal goodbyes and joined together to bid farewell collectively. It felt deeply meaningful and correct. We participated actively in the ceremony and together family and friends created a unique atmosphere of happy sadness and an opportunity for the release of our grief. An extraordinary funeral service much appreciated by everyone present.”

Nick Stokes

Horticulturist, Worcestershire

Book a free chat with Sue Holmes

If you have any further questions or to see if you and the training are a good fit.